About Us

At Holy Covenant Church it is our desire to equip the saints as we seek to obey our Lord’s command to make disciples of the nations.
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Our History

Holy Covenant Church is the fruit of a decision made by the session of Christ Church in 2023. The session unanimously approved a plan which included commissioning a church plant north of Spokane. Since that time, The church has flourished and become a plant of King’s Cross Church in Wenatchee, WA.

Our Mission

Our mission at Holy Covenant Church is to equip the saints as we seek to obey our Lord’s command to make disciples of the nations.

Equipping begins with God’s people gathering for weekly covenant renewal worship and continues on as discipleship takes place in the homes of our families and breaking bread with brothers and sisters in community.

Holy Covenant Church will faithfully teach and apply God’s word to all situations, both of today and tomorrow.  As God’s people apply the Word to all of life and out of  living godly lives together, we expect to disciple the nations by interacting with those outside of the church.  

These interactions include: proclamation of the gospel, thoughtful and intentional cultural and political engagement, and good works done towards our neighbors. And we seek to do this with joy and in humble reliance on God's Spirit to move among us.

Our staff & leadership

Andre Fowlkes
Steve Maus
Craig Piazza

Core Beliefs

Reformed and Evangelical

We believe that the sovereignty of God in salvation is glad news. In addition to what we call “sunny Calvinism,” we believe in the historical work of God's Spirit in the Church and we lovingly subscribe to the ecumenical and reformed creeds. We are also evangelical. That is we pray and work towards God reviving His people so that every nation, tribe, tongue, and people will bow in cheerful obedience to the Savior.

Emphasis on Biblical Families

This is As the most basic unit in church and society, the family can hardly be overemphasized. Our church desire is to equip parents for spiritual leadership in their homes, but never replace them. We are seeking to establish families and glorious little communities of joy and life that are an integral part of the larger community of the Church that God has established. some text inside of a div block.

Covenant Theology

All of life is covenantal. In its simplest terms, a covenant is a formal, defined relationship. Marriage is a covenantal bond; the family is a covenantal unit; the church and the government are covenantal bodies. In every covenant the parties have obligations and privileges. Blessings come for fulfilling these, while curses follow the one who ignores or rejects them. By God’s grace, we seek to live out the implications of these covenantal bonds seeking to be good citizens of city, state, country, family, and church, seeking to establish the grace of the Kingdom of Jesus in all of life.

Optimistic Eschatology

We believe "the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea" (Isaiah 11:9). This grand hope is not accomplished through political finagling or Christian activism, but through the bold proclamation of the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God in Jesus Christ. God is undoing the sin of the world like a man patiently bringing a suffering and dying tree back to full health. God loves to work quietly, slowly and in unexpected ways to confound the wise with His foolishness.

Expository Preaching

Because elders are enjoined to teach every word of God’s whole counsel, our normal, but not exclusive, mode of preaching is consecutive, verse-by-verse exposition of the entire Bible.

Church Community

Members of Holy Covenant Church covenant together under God to encourage one another to love God and each other, seeking to edify one another by using their gifts; assisting one another by providing for needs; and together serving the church and our community.